Special Arts 3.12 Tree Planting Theme Activity

2021-03-17 09:34:20

Let's all work together to add a touch of green to life

                                                                          Special Arts 3.12 Tree Planting Theme Activity

Ten miles of spring breeze is worse than a touch of greenery.

The green grass, the colorful flowers, the trees with their branches and teeth are temporarily exposed, and paintings come into our eyes.

The air is humid, the water in the river is full, and the fields are covered with golden rapeseed flowers. The spring flowers are blooming and all things are recovering. It is a good time to plant trees!

On the day of Arbor Day, the management department organized all employees of the company to carry out a tree planting and forest protection activity in the park. Through the activity, everyone's awareness of environmental protection was enhanced for the benefit of future generations.

Plant trees, sow hope

At 9:00 in the morning, the friends who participated in the tree planting gathered in the green area at the entrance of the park. Everyone was full of energy and ready to go. We divided the small partners participating in this activity into a tree planting group and a forest protection group.

After the tree planting team received the task, everyone immediately acted and performed their respective duties, digging, transporting, planting, and watering.



The result of profuse sweating, uniformity and unity is: the beautiful and vibrant trees stand on the fertile land, fluttering in the wind, making us once again sigh the glory of labor, and the respect for life arises spontaneously.


Protect the forest, keep the green


The forest ranger team also twisted into a ball, helping trees, inserting bamboo, fixing, watering……Everyone was actively involved in the tree planting activities, everyone was full of happy smiles, sweating under the rising sun, as if they were full of energy in work and life .



Environmental action starts from me


As the saying goes, trees in ten years, people in a century, the significance of Arbor Day is to help us establish a correct awareness of environmental protection.

Through today's activities, I believe that the seeds of environmental protection have been sown in everyone's heart, and they will grow together with green! Let us start from now, start from the little things around us, and dedicate our strength to energy conservation and environmental protection!

From today, let's act together:

1. Adhere to the utilization of waste, and do a good job of sorting and placing waste.

2. Low-carbon environmental protection, green travel.

3. Try not to use disposable plastic products.

4. Collect the bags and recycle them.

5. Save every piece of paper.

6, each meal CD-ROM action.

7. Turn off lights and taps.

8. Don't pick flowers when you encounter flowers, and don't step on grass when you encounter them.


Through this activity, we hope that the land under our feet will be more fertile, the trees will be more lush, and the rivers will be clearer. We call on nature with practical actions to build a beautiful home, and we are always in action!




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